Moon Packages

Moon has a collection of packages and tools that can be used to build and customize a user interface for a wallet that interacts with various blockchains, including Ethereum. To help with this, we recommend using the following packages from the @moonup organization:

@moonup/moon-sdk: This is the core package of Moon, which handles authentication and initialization. It provides a convenient way to integrate Moon's services into your application.


@moonup/moon-api: This is a low-level API package that provides access to Moon's services. It allows you to interact with Moon's services programmatically.


@moonup/ethers: This package provides a smooth interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain. It is built on top of the ethers.js library and provides additional functionality for working with Moon's services.


@moonup/wagmi-connector: This package provides a WAGMI connector for Moon, which makes it easier to integrate Moon's services into React-based dApps. It allows you to connect to Moon's services and interact with them using the WAGMI library.


@moonup/viem: This package provides a Moon connector for Viem, which is a modern Ethereum library. It allows you to connect to Moon's services and interact with them using the Viem library.


@moonup/moon-rainbowkit: This package provides a Moon connector for RainbowKit, which is a popular library for building wallet connections in React-based dApps. It allows you to use Moon's services for authentication and wallet management in your RainbowKit-based dApp.


@moonup/moon-react: This package provides a collection of React components that can be used to build a user interface for a Moon-based wallet. It includes components for displaying account balances, transaction history, and more.


These packages can be used individually or in combination to build a customized user interface for a Moon-based wallet that meets your specific needs. They provide a range of functionality for interacting with Moon's services and the Ethereum blockchain, and can be integrated into a variety of React-based dApps using popular libraries such as WAGMI, Viem, and RainbowKit.

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