
@moonup/viem Package Documentation

The @moonup/viem package is a utility package that allows for the creation of a local account using the MoonSDK from the @moonup/moon-sdk package. This local account can be used with the viem library for signing messages, transactions, and typed data.=

Installing Moon Viem:

To utilize the Moon Viem package, first install it to the desired directory of the project:

To install Moon Viem:

npm install @moonup/viem

Usage Examples

Here's a basic example of how to use the createMoonAccount function:

import { MoonSDK } from '@moonup/moon-sdk';
import { createMoonAccount } from '@moonup/viem';

const sdk = new MoonSDK({ /* your configuration */ });
const ethereumAddress = '0xYourEthereumAddress';

const account = await createMoonAccount({ sdk, ethereumAddress });

// Now you can use the account with viem

API Reference


Creates a local account using the MoonSDK.


  • input (Object)

    • sdk (MoonSDK): An instance of the MoonSDK.

    • ethereumAddress (string): The Ethereum address of the account.


A promise that resolves to a LocalAccount object.


const account = await createMoonAccount({ sdk, ethereumAddress });

Last updated