
Interacting with the Blockchain using MoonSDK on Solana

This tutorial will guide you through the process of initializing the MoonSDK, creating a Solana transaction, signing the transaction, and sending it to the Solana network.


  • Node.js installed on your machine

  • A Solana account with some SOL balance

  • Moon API key (optional, but required for some features)


First, install the required dependencies:

npm install @solana/web3.js @moonup/moon-sdk


Create a new file, solana_transaction.js, and import the necessary modules:

import web3, { PublicKey, Transaction } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { MoonSDK } from '@moonup/moon-sdk';

Initialize the MoonSDK with your API key (if you have one):

const sdk = new MoonSDK({
  apiKey: 'your_moon_api_key',

Creating a Solana Transaction

Connect to the Solana network:

const connection = new web3.Connection(

List your Solana accounts using the MoonSDK:

const accounts = await sdk.getSolanaSDK().listAccounts();

Or create a new solana account using the MoonSDK

const accounts = await sdk.getSolanaSDK().createAccount({});

Select the first account as the payer and create a new Solana account as the recipient:

const payer = new PublicKey(accounts[0]);
const toAccount = new PublicKey("toAccount");

Manually construct the transaction:

const recentBlockhash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash();
const manualTransaction = new Transaction({
  recentBlockhash: recentBlockhash.blockhash,
  feePayer: payer,
    fromPubkey: payer,
    toPubkey: toAccount.publicKey,
    lamports: 1,

Signing the Transaction

Serialize the transaction and sign it using the MoonSDK:

const serialise = manualTransaction.serialize({
  verifySignatures: false,
  requireAllSignatures: false,
const signature = await sdk.getSolanaSDK().signTransaction(accounts[0], {
  unsigned_tx: serialise.toString('base64'),
  network: 'devnet',

Sending the Transaction

Send the signed transaction to the Solana network:

const hash = await connection.sendRawTransaction(signature.signed_tx);

Full Example

import web3, { PublicKey, Transaction } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { MoonSDK } from '@moonup/moon-sdk';

export const signAndSend = async () => {
  // const payer = web3.Keypair.generate();
  const connection = new web3.Connection(

  const sdk = new MoonSDK();

  const accounts = await sdk.getSolanaSDK().listAccounts();
  const payer = new PublicKey(accounts[0]);
  const toAccount = new PublicKey("toAccount");

  // Alternatively, manually construct the transaction
  const recentBlockhash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash();
  const manualTransaction = new Transaction({
    recentBlockhash: recentBlockhash.blockhash,
    feePayer: payer,
      fromPubkey: payer,
      toPubkey: toAccount.publicKey,
      lamports: 1,

  const serialise = manualTransaction.serialize({
    verifySignatures: false,
    requireAllSignatures: false,
  const signature = await sdk.getSolanaSDK().signTransaction(accounts[0], {
    unsigned_tx: serialise.toString('base64'),
    network: 'devnet',
  const hash = await connection.sendRawTransaction(signature.signed_tx);


You have successfully created a Solana transaction, signed it using the MoonSDK, and sent it to the Solana network. You can now use the MoonSDK to interact with other blockchain networks and services as well.

Last updated